Activity Guides and Craft Packs

Action Based Curriculum have a wonderful series of personal, social and health activity guide projects.

The craft guide content for the teacher provides instruction and answers for each Core Curriculum Mathematics Standard. Student materials are provided on a CD Rom and are then able to be photocopied as required.

One activity reader book is included for each grade and we have used the topics of family and Olympic Games for grades K-5. The activities include making educational paper craft pack posters, role play, hand writing practice.

Grade K - Olympic Games Reader Book 1

Grade 1 - Olympic Games Poetry in Motion

Grade 2 - Olympic Games Reader Book

Grade 3 - The Davis Family Reader Book - many chapters link directly to making up craft packs

Grade 4 - Rufus at the Olympics

Grade 5 - 21st Century Families*

* This is optional as the content introduces the different styles of family units in our world today.